It’s been quite just a few days and TXT is already winning prices. After publishing their MV “LO$ER=LO♡ER” on the 17th of August.

it has already reached over 17 Million views on YouTube and on August 24th “The Show” Choice announced the young KPop group as the winner of their episode with a total of 7,980 points.
Previously they had performed live on “The Show” as their Comeback with “LO$ER=LO♡ER” alongside CIX and THE BOYZ.
Both were nominated as candidates for the first place, CIX with “Wave” and THE BOYZ with “Thrill ride”.
“The Show” is a TV program by SBS MTV that airs every Tuesday and is broadcasted in 18 countries through MTV Asia. It currently has 5 seasons.

TxT’s winning streak doesn’t stop there though. Only one day later, on the 25th of August TxT won their second prize for their most recent song.
“Show Champion” announced the male group as winners, outmatching the other candidates, such as AKMU’s “Nakka” with IU, Red Velvets “Queendom”, ONF’s “Popping” and Somi’s “Dumb Dumb”. TxT performed on the show, once again breaking gender stereotypes by wearing skirts and skirts in combination with pants, proving their excellent taste in fashion to the audience, which cheered them on with passion.

“Show Champion” is an MBC M television program that ranks singles by KPop groups on its own “Show Champion Chart”.
Every week the number one single on this chart is being awarded “Best performing” in the country during the live broadcast.
Let’s keep our eyes and ears open for more prices than this great comeback single deserves. Congrats and good luck to TomorrowXTogether.
Let us know what do you feel about their success in the comments!
Author - Estella.