Let's Learn Some Genuine Korean that You Want to Use in Uni

Let's Learn Some Genuine Korean that You Want to Use in Uni

Let’s learn some genuine Korean that you want to use in uni! :mortar_board:
This session will be focuses on Korean college life :ok_hand:
After 12 years of school life, Koreans finally enter the infamous univesity life! :tada:
Sometimes, you may feel your Gyosunim’s (professor) lecture is too boring or your Seonbae (senior) is too strict :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
But you’ll find immense jou from having Haksik (cafeteria meal) together with your Hunae (junior) or sharing Gisuksa (dormitory) with your friends :hugging_face:
Are you ready to enjoy this exciting world? :smirk_cat:
#koreanwords #learnkorean #studykorean #koreanvovcabulary #koreanlanguage


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