Korean Snacks Near Me: How to Buy Authentic Korean Snacks!

Korean Snacks Near Me: How to Buy Authentic Korean Snacks!


From Kimchi to Bulgogi, I think we can all agree that Korean food is different. Well, the same can be said about Korean snacks. The delectable subtlety of flavours, the vastness of unique tastes and obscurity that for some genius reason just works. Authentic Korean snacks are possibly amongst the most delicious on the planet.

(Image: Credits to the rightful owner)

But where can you find them? Unlike most snacks in the west, Korean snacks just aren’t commercially available down at your local convenience store. Most of the time you must do a deep dig into where your closest Asian store is or peruse amongst the thousands of available vendors and options online. But where do you start?

What are Ways to Find Korean Snacks Near You?

Sometimes, if you’re lucky, your nearest supermarket might have a decent selection of Asian products in its ‘world foods’ aisle, which means there’s also a possibility of there being authentic Korean snacks too- especially since the Korean Wave hit the west and suddenly everyone became obsessed with everything Korea had to offer, more than just pretty idols and K-Pop.

(Image: Credits to the rightful owner)

(Image: Credits to the rightful owner)

But are they authentic Korean snacks? What we mean by ‘authentic’ is, are they made in Korea? And do Korean people actually eat them? Sure, if you see a box of Choco Pies, grab them, that’s definitely the most popular Korean snack that Koreans still eat today. It’s perfect for lunchboxes or as a coffee snack. But comparatively, what does a box of Choco Pies cost in the west, compared to Korea?

(Image: Credits to the rightful owner)

This is another issue with imported snacks that end up on the shelves of Asian grocers or large supermarket establishments; they’re often way too overpriced. Most of the time Asian grocers are the much better option if you want to nab your snacks in person, as most Asian stores are family run and have that edge of authenticity you could only get from a small, quaint business. Rather than going to a big supermarket chain. But it’s never a guarantee.

This is exactly why, looking online might be a cheaper option. Specifically, we’re talking about subscription boxes. Seoulbox solves the issue of price and battles the question of ‘if the snack you’re munching on is authentic’, because everything that goes into our boxes is hand-picked directly from the shelves and sent straight to your door.

(Image: Credits to the rightful owner)

The sheer variety of products in a standard Seoulbox is also noteworthy for the price we offer. Not only that, but because they come straight from the streets of Seoul and further in South Korea, there’ll be products in your box that aren’t even available in the west. Time to get your snack on!

Korean Snacks from Seoul, Korea, to your Doorstep!

So, you’ve taken a stroll to your local Asian grocer and found Korean snacks galore! You’ve solved the issue of where to find them, but now you still need to figure out which snacks are the best ones to get? There are so many brands and packets that give nothing away as to what treat lies inside and you must squint to see the fine print of the English label.

Eventually you just grab what looks most simple and familiar and go to the counter to pay. Only to find that the snack that you thought was a generic savoury packet of crisps, was a plain cracker with no flavour? But hey, the packaging was cute!

(Image: Credits to the rightful owner)

This scenario and the underlying confusion, it leaves you is exactly why buying snacks online from subscription boxes is more reliable. At Seoulbox, we tell you exactly what is going to be in your box when you order it, and every box comes with a comprehensive guide as to what each snack is, where it’s from and what it tastes like!

When you go to myseoulbox.com and select the kind of box you’d like, whether it be our signature or vegetarian option, or our Seoulbox life box, you get a sneak peek as to what is inside the box and a few options to how you’d like to order it.

You can order it as a single purchase, or you can order a subscription by a monthly fee and get discounted prices if you order in 3 month or 6 month or annual batches. A box would be sent to you every month with a new theme, tasty new snacks for you to try, and a variety of flavours. It's brilliant if you think about it, isn’t it?

What are Seoulbox Customers Sharing about Purchasing a Single Nox or Subscription?

So, we’ve told you all about Korean snacks, how to find them, given you several options and explained why a Seoulbox snack box subscription is the better option. But what do our customers think?

Small unboxing video HERE

Seoulmates enjoying their lovely box here: Stories • Instagram


About the author: Suji was studying in London in the year 2019 and, although being separated from her family, her passion for Korea was growing. She noticed that a lot of her close friends loved Korean culture, food, music, and dramas and gradually started to fall in love with Korea, but there weren't many opportunities to actually "experience" this wonderful nation!

Suji was aware of what she needed to do to introduce Korea to her friends' lives and, conceivably, to those of everyone else who was curious about a piece of Daehan Min-guk.

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