Don’t Live in Korea If You Fall into These Types

Don’t Live in Korea If You Fall into These Types


Living in Korea can be an incredibly rewarding experience, offering a rich tapestry of culture, cuisine, and vibrant city life. However, while the Land of the Morning Calm welcomes people from all walks of life, there are certain types of individuals who may find the adjustment more challenging or less suitable for their lifestyle. In this blog, we will explore several personality types that may want to reconsider their decision to live in Korea, highlighting the potential pitfalls and challenges they might encounter.


1. Don't live in Korea if you are in money-saving mode because you cannot stop shopping and eating.

Are you considering a move to Korea but find yourself in a perpetual state of money-saving mode? If so, you might want to hit pause and reconsider your decision, especially if you have a weakness for shopping and indulging in delicious cuisine. While Korea offers an array of tempting shopping districts and mouthwatering street food, living here while trying to pinch pennies can be a challenging balancing act.

Korea is a shopaholic's paradise, boasting a plethora of shopping districts, department stores, and trendy boutiques that cater to every taste and budget. From high-end fashion in Gangnam to budget-friendly finds in bustling markets like Namdaemun and Dongdaemun, there is no shortage of retail therapy options. However, for those on a tight budget or trying to save money, the temptation to splurge on trendy clothes, skincare products, and cute knick-knacks can be overwhelming.

Also, Korean cuisine is renowned for its bold flavors, diverse dishes, and affordable prices, making it a paradise for food lovers. Whether you are craving spicy kimchi stew, savory bibimbap, or crispy fried chicken, you will find an endless array of culinary delights to satisfy your cravings. However, indulging in the vibrant street food scene and dining out at restaurants can quickly take a toll on your wallet, especially if you are trying to stick to a tight budget.


2. Don't live in Korea if you are on a diet because convenience stores are everywhere and open 24/7.

Planning to move to Korea while also committed to a strict diet regimen? You might want to rethink that decision. Korea's abundant convenience stores, open 24/7 and stocked with tempting treats, can pose a formidable challenge for those trying to stick to a diet plan

Convenience stores in Korea are not just convenient—they are genuine treasures of delicious snacks and ready-to-eat meals that cater to every craving imaginable. From crispy fried chicken and savory kimbap rolls to sweet pastries and refreshing beverages, convenience stores offer a tempting array of options that can easily derail even the most disciplined dieter.

Plus, in Korea, late-night snacking is not just a habit—it is practically a way of life. With convenience stores open 24/7, it is common for people to indulge in late-night snacks or post-drinking munchies on their way home from work or a night out. The abundance of mouth-watering options available at convenience stores makes it difficult to resist the temptation to indulge, even for those committed to a diet plan.


3. Don't live in Korea if you cannot handle spicy food because even regular ramen can push your spice tolerance.

Thinking about making the move to Korea but cannot handle spicy food? You might want to think twice. In Korea, spicy flavors reign supreme, from fiery kimchi to mouth-numbing tteokbokki. Even everyday staples like ramen can pack a punch that might leave spice-averse individuals reaching for a glass of milk.

In Korea, spicy food is not just a culinary preference—it is a cultural phenomenon deeply ingrained in the nation's culinary heritage. From spicy rice cakes (tteokbokki) to spicy fried chicken (yangnyeom chicken), Koreans have a love affair with heat that extends far beyond the kitchen. Spicy food is celebrated and enjoyed in a variety of settings, from casual street vendors to upscale restaurants, making it a ubiquitous presence in daily life.

While Korea offers a diverse culinary landscape with a wide range of flavors and cuisines, non-spicy options may be limited, especially in more traditional or local eateries. Many Korean dishes are inherently spicy or contain spicy components such as gochujang (red chili paste) or gochugaru (red chili flakes), making it challenging for spice-averse individuals to find dishes that suit their palate.


4. Don't live in Korea if you are super cautious. If you see phones and laptops on the table in the cafe, you may get a heart attack!

Dreaming of life in Korea but find yourself on high alert at the mere sight of phones and laptops left unattended on cafe tables? You might want to reconsider your plans. Living in Korea can be an exhilarating experience, but for those who are super cautious, the neutral attitude towards personal belongings in public spaces may cause more stress than excitement.

In Korean society, there is a strong sense of trust and community that underpins everyday interactions. While this sense of trust fosters a warm and welcoming atmosphere, it can also lead to a more relaxed attitude towards personal security. Leaving belongings unattended in public spaces is often seen as a sign of trust in others rather than a cause for concern.

Korea is known for its low crime rates and generally safe environment, particularly in comparison to many Western countries. The prevalence of CCTV cameras, efficient law enforcement, and tight-knit communities contribute to a sense of security for residents and visitors alike. For super cautious individuals, however, the perceived safety of Korea may not be enough to alleviate concerns about personal security and the risk of theft.


5. Don't live in Korea if you cannot drink because everyone here is crazy about Soju.

Thinking about relocating to Korea but prefer to abstain from alcohol? You might want to think twice. In Korea, where socializing often revolves around drinking, abstaining from alcohol can be challenging, especially with the pervasive presence of the beloved national spirit, soju.

Soju holds a special place in Korean culture, where it is often referred to as "Korea's national drink." As the world's best-selling spirit, soju is an important presence at social gatherings, celebrations, and everyday meals. From casual outings with friends to formal business dinners, soju is the beverage of choice for many Koreans, making it difficult for non-drinkers to fully participate in social activities.

In Korean business culture, drinking often plays a central role in building trust and fostering relationships with clients and colleagues. Business dinners and after-work gatherings frequently involve alcohol, with the expectation that participants will partake in drinking as a sign of respect and solidarity. For non-drinkers, navigating these social expectations and maintaining professionalism while abstaining from alcohol can be challenging.



In conclusion, while living in Korea offers a vibrant cultural experience and numerous opportunities for personal growth, it is essential to consider how certain aspects of Korean life align with your individual preferences and lifestyle choices. Whether it is managing finances amidst tempting shopping districts, navigating dietary preferences in a convenience store paradise, embracing, or avoiding spicy cuisine, adapting to societal norms regarding personal security, or navigating social interactions in a drinking-centric culture, each factor requires careful consideration. By being honest with yourself about your priorities, strengths, and limitations, you can make an informed decision about whether living in Korea aligns with your values and goals. With mindfulness, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace new experiences, you can navigate the complexities of expat life in Korea while staying true to yourself.


Image credits:;center,center,%20Ini%20Dia%2015%20Ide%20Usaha%20Korean%20Street%20Food%20Modal%20Kecil!/Korean%20Street%20Food.jpg


Author: Tugba

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